
Witam all na forum Mu for all. Znajdziecie tu pomoc , dowloand , prywatne serwery itp. Założyciele : Sasuko , Angel. Webmasterowie : Devils69 , WILCZUR. Moderatorzy : Hero. OGŁOSZENIE Przydało by się dodać nasze forum na inne forum(znane). Za dodanie dostanie się moderatora to jednej katygori. Dzięki:).

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  •  » Ma3x MuOnline GRAND OPENING 17.12 Season8 Non-Reset Premium Files

#1 2016-12-13 14:42:16



Zarejestrowany: 2016-12-13
Posty: 2
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Ma3x MuOnline GRAND OPENING 17.12 Season8 Non-Reset Premium Files

We are glad to announce the Official Start of our Season 8 MuOnline server. After two months of setting up and testing we are on the last stage that will make the server complete. The date of the Grand Opening is 17th of December and will be followed by great Cristmas Event to boost the players up!
We are well known with our Non-Reset servers in Bulgaria and the Balkans, and our community follow us thought the years. Now we invest in a bigger, international project where everyone is welcome and should definitely give it a try. The server is fully protected and run on Bugless premium files and are updated constantly. We also have a strong GameGuard to protect the server and small team of Game Masters that will look after the players and server rules. The Server alone have a big number of running daily and weekly events.

The Server is setup to No Reset Low/Medium Rates:
- Normal Exp: x8;
- Master Exp: x8;
- Item's Drop Chance: 25%;
- Jewel's Drop Rate: Medium
- Excellent item Drop Chance: Medium
- Maximum Level: 720;
- Points per level: 5/6/7 (default)
- Monster's HP: 100%
- Bosses HP: Default
- Boss Drop: GMO
- OffTrade system;
- New Events;
- Cash Shop Points for every Event completed!
- Many Invasions;
- Active Gameplay;
- Hosted in Germany, Europe;
- Ventrilo, Teamspeak3 and Mumble servers;

This is a Long-Term server with many on-going projects. Our network have over 10 years of hosting big number of game servers and tournaments in Bulgaria, Europe. Now we expand our network to International level and we are here to stay!
We have set many in-game and custom events and we will create many weekly and monthly drop events as well. Active gameplay. online-time and Vote system will reward our players with Coins for the Cash shop, where you can get great goodies on weekly discounts.

First there will be a winter event that will stay until march and a cristmass event that will take place from 20.12 until 25.12. More details soon.
Detailed information about the server soon into the forum. Stay tuned!
If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know.

Ma3x Muonline Official Website: http://hard-mu.ma3x.net/
Ma3x MuOnline Forum:http://ma3xmu.boards.net/
Ma3x Network Official website: http://www.ma3x.net/



#2 2016-12-17 02:26:40



Zarejestrowany: 2016-12-13
Posty: 2
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Re: Ma3x MuOnline GRAND OPENING 17.12 Season8 Non-Reset Premium Files

Ma3x MuOnline GRAND OPENING 17.12 Saturday 12:00 GTM+2



#3 2020-06-19 13:51:51



Skąd: Brussels
Zarejestrowany: 2020-06-19
Posty: 1
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Re: Ma3x MuOnline GRAND OPENING 17.12 Season8 Non-Reset Premium Files

Plasticisers (US: plasticizers) are colourless and odourless liquids used primarily to soften plastic. Over 85% of all plasticisers consumed in Europe are employed in durable flexible PVC


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  •  » Ma3x MuOnline GRAND OPENING 17.12 Season8 Non-Reset Premium Files
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