Mu For All, czyli Mu dla każdego

Wszystko o Mu Online

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Witam all na forum Mu for all. Znajdziecie tu pomoc , dowloand , prywatne serwery itp. Założyciele : Sasuko , Angel. Webmasterowie : Devils69 , WILCZUR. Moderatorzy : Hero. OGŁOSZENIE Przydało by się dodać nasze forum na inne forum(znane). Za dodanie dostanie się moderatora to jednej katygori. Dzięki:).

#1 2024-06-27 04:19:03



Zarejestrowany: 2024-06-27
Posty: 1
PunktĂłw :   

[S19E2][9999x] | Unique Dragon.MU | Longterm
⚠️Server Links⚠️

Experience : Regular x9999, Master x9999, Majestic x9999
Drop : Random
Version : Season 19 Episode 2-1 Premium Exclusive
License : IGNC Premium
Reset : Ingame (stay on spots) 400lvl stats stays, 1,000 Points per Reset.
Grand Reset : 500 Resets, 10,000 Wcoins + 250,000 Ruud, Resets burns, stats stays! In website!
Max Stats : 62k
Points per level: Regular
Master points per level: 2
Off-Level pick up : Zen, Jewels
           Online Time : Start in  10.March 2023
Custom Options, Events, Invasions, Game commands!
New Player Support:
/startergift: Free Buffs + Panda Pet + Panda Ring + 5x Bless of Light
Wings 3rd +15+FO
⚠️- Free Vip -⚠️
[ Min Resets: 200 ] Vip2
[ Min Resets: 300 ] Vip3
[ Min Resets: 400 ] Vip4
[ Min Resets: 500 ] Vip5
[ Min Resets: 1000 ] Vip6
[ Min Resets: 5000 ] Vip7
[ Min Resets: 10000 ] Vip8
Benefits from your VIPs
VIP1 +10%DMG +10%HP
VIP2 +20%DMG +20%HP
VIP3 +30%DMG +30%HP
VIP4 +40%DMG +40%HP
Vip5 +50%DMG +50%HP [Access is Gold Arena VIP]
Vip6 +60%DMG +60%HP
Vip7 +70%DMG +70%HP
Vip8 +80%DMG +80%HP
⚠️Qnique HuntPoint System⚠️
Player now can enhanced the Character's stats by hunting monsters.
Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Aida, Kanturu, Raklion, Karutan
Gaining Hunt Points will gain your percentage of stats and Dmg.
Default 2,500 Hunt Points is for free when creating Character.
Each maps will gain randomly stats which total 8 attributes.
Hover mouse to icon to check what attribute will gain with ->> UP.
Weekly Hunt Points will be reset and 5% of total Points will be inactive.
When you trying to PK in Hunt Maps, both will be moved to Loren Ring to PK.
Minimum Hunt Points requirements for Hunt Battle is 10,000 Points, /huntbattle.



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