kucowe21 - 2018-04-11 18:51:35

Grand opening date:

09/06/2017 - 20:00

Website: http://fastmu.biz/

Server Info:
* Ver: 1.04.04
* Exp: 7000x
* Drop: 70%
* Bless Bug: ON
* Max level: 400
* Max stats: 32767
* Guild Create Level: 250
* Points Per level: DK/DW/Elf - 5 MG - 7

Reset Info:
* Max Level: 400
* Stats After Reset: Keep stats
* Reset Command in Game : /reset (Will be but for now we have problem with it and rr will be on site for now)

Quests in Game
* Yes - Quest NPC

Ingame Commands
* /add - add stats: /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene
* /post - global chat
* /pkclear - Yes/Tak* /marry - Yes/Tak */quest - Yes (Check Quest progress)* /online Yes (Check online ppl)* /time Tak/Yes (Show server time)Jewel Success Rate:
* Jewel Of Bless Success Rate(Luck/No luck): 100%
* Jewel Of Soul Success Rate (Luck/No Luck): 100%

Chaos Machine Success Rates
* Item +10 Success Rate (Luck/No Luck): 100%
* Item +11 Success Rate (Luck/No Luck): 100%

Server Events
* Blood Castle Event
* Devil Square Event
* Golden Invasion* Happy Hour* Party exp event* Lucky Jevels
Special Event Rewards
* Blood Castle (1-3) - Box of Kundun +4 - Blood Castle (3-6) Box of Kundun +5
Many spots with many mobs
Party experience


Site is now online u can register and download the client: eternalmu.sytes.net
Server will be typical high exp PVP server with no web shop or anything like that
we do this server only for players not for make a money
all server and site will be do most old school as we can !!

www.swiatpanfu.pun.pl www.pokemon-arena-time.pun.pl www.klasati.pun.pl www.gamesoft.pun.pl www.swordclan.pun.pl